Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Each year our school travels to the Norval outdoor education center. On this day the grades are split up in order to work on team building skills. One of our group tasks was to climb a fourteen foot wall with nothing to hold onto for support. The team worked hard during the brainstorming session to come up with the best approach. With the help of Willem our group came up with a plan. Firstly, two people stood at the bottom of the wall with everyone else supporting them. Then, one person stood on there knees and the whole team hoisted there feet up until they could grab the top of the wall. These steps were repeated until everyone made it over the top. Overall it was a great team effort.

As much as the wall exercise was our biggest success it was also the most challenging. This is because no one would listen to one another. In addition at one point a few group members began to carry out the plan while most of us were still discussing the best approach. To reflect on that activity the boys learned that it is unsafe to start something with out telling the others because you would have no spotters incase an accident were to occur.

After the day was over I learned that in order to complete the tasks as a group we needed to listen to each persons ideas and work together as a team. Our counselor was our leader but she allowed us to take charge. During the inuit blanket toss we cooperated as a group and were able to raise each person in the air. On this day I learned that achieving goals can be simple if we all work together. At the beginning of most activities I could tell many of us thought it was impossible. We then realized that if we all put our minds together we could do anything.

We ended the day with the drum circle. All of the students took part in this activity. It was a really cool experience to hear the sounds that we were able to make as a large group. Our trip to Norval was a great chance for us all to learn how to work together as a team.

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