Wednesday, April 7, 2010


If i could be on any game show in the whole universe it would be Wipe Out. Wipe out is an exilerating challenge filled with challenging obstacle courses and intense curbs. While watching this great show it seems like it would be the most fun in the world to take on this extremely difficulty challenge.

One of the first obstacles you overcome is the sucker punch. For this obstacle there is a wall with automatic arms with punching gloves on the end that move in and out to knock the competetor off of the beam into the mud. This is one of the most difficult ones because the beam is very long and thin, therefore being easier to know down. Before and after the sucker punch is all running on a slippery surface with mud on either side.

The next major obstacle is the big balls. Basically the reason i want to go on this game show is because of this obstacle. On this section there are four MASSIVE balls that you hop from one to the other to reach the other side. On the game show only one person has made it across all four. Most just make it across to the second. I think that if I was chosen for this show I would make it across easily the first time.

So now you know what an amazing show this must be just by reading about two if the many obstacles on this show. Trust me you won't be disapointed with this show. Basically the point of the show is to laugh non stop at the people constantly epically failing on the obstacles. So the only reason I would like to be on this show, is because I'm pretty sure it will be the most fun i will ever have.

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